Elementos e atributos depreciados HTML
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- U
Atributo | Elemento(s) ao(s) qual(is) se aplica |
align | CAPTION |
align | LEGEND |
align | TABLE |
align | HR |
align | DIV, H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, P |
alink | BODY |
alt | APPLET |
archive APPLET CDATA #IMPLIED D L comma-separated archive list
archive OBJECT CDATA #IMPLIED space-separated list of URIs
axis TD, TH CDATA #IMPLIED comma-separated list of related headers
background BODY %URI; #IMPLIED D L texture tile for document background
bgcolor TABLE %Color; #IMPLIED D L background color for cells
bgcolor TR %Color; #IMPLIED D L background color for row
bgcolor TD, TH %Color; #IMPLIED D L cell background color
bgcolor BODY %Color; #IMPLIED D L document background color
border TABLE %Pixels; #IMPLIED controls frame width around table
border IMG, OBJECT %Pixels; #IMPLIED D L link border width
cellpadding TABLE %Length; #IMPLIED spacing within cells
cellspacing TABLE %Length; #IMPLIED spacing between cells
char COL, COLGROUP, TBODY, TD, TFOOT, TH, THEAD, TR %Character; #IMPLIED alignment char, e.g. char=':'
charoff COL, COLGROUP, TBODY, TD, TFOOT, TH, THEAD, TR %Length; #IMPLIED offset for alignment char
charset A, LINK, SCRIPT %Charset; #IMPLIED char encoding of linked resource
checked INPUT (checked) #IMPLIED for radio buttons and check boxes
cite BLOCKQUOTE, Q %URI; #IMPLIED URI for source document or msg
cite DEL, INS %URI; #IMPLIED info on reason for change
class All elements but BASE, BASEFONT, HEAD, HTML, META, PARAM, SCRIPT, STYLE, TITLE CDATA #IMPLIED space-separated list of classes
classid OBJECT %URI; #IMPLIED identifies an implementation
clear BR (left | all | right | none) none D L control of text flow
code APPLET CDATA #IMPLIED D L applet class file
codebase OBJECT %URI; #IMPLIED base URI for classid, data, archive
codebase APPLET %URI; #IMPLIED D L optional base URI for applet
codetype OBJECT %ContentType; #IMPLIED content type for code
color BASEFONT, FONT %Color; #IMPLIED D L text color
cols FRAMESET %MultiLengths; #IMPLIED F list of lengths, default: 100% (1 col)
colspan TD, TH NUMBER 1 number of cols spanned by cell
compact DIR, DL, MENU, OL, UL (compact) #IMPLIED D L reduced interitem spacing
content META CDATA #REQUIRED associated information
coords AREA %Coords; #IMPLIED comma-separated list of lengths
coords A %Coords; #IMPLIED for use with client-side image maps
data OBJECT %URI; #IMPLIED reference to object's data
datetime DEL, INS %Datetime; #IMPLIED date and time of change
declare OBJECT (declare) #IMPLIED declare but don't instantiate flag
defer SCRIPT (defer) #IMPLIED UA may defer execution of script
dir All elements but APPLET, BASE, BASEFONT, BDO, BR, FRAME, FRAMESET, IFRAME, PARAM, SCRIPT (ltr | rtl) #IMPLIED direction for weak/neutral text
dir BDO (ltr | rtl) #REQUIRED directionality
disabled BUTTON, INPUT, OPTGROUP, OPTION, SELECT, TEXTAREA (disabled) #IMPLIED unavailable in this context
enctype FORM %ContentType; "application/x-www- form-urlencoded"
face BASEFONT, FONT CDATA #IMPLIED D L comma-separated list of font names
for LABEL IDREF #IMPLIED matches field ID value
frame TABLE %TFrame; #IMPLIED which parts of frame to render
frameborder FRAME, IFRAME (1 | 0) 1 F request frame borders?
headers TD, TH IDREFS #IMPLIED list of id's for header cells
height IFRAME %Length; #IMPLIED L frame height
height TD, TH %Length; #IMPLIED D L height for cell
height IMG, OBJECT %Length; #IMPLIED override height
height APPLET %Length; #REQUIRED D L initial height
href A, AREA, LINK %URI; #IMPLIED URI for linked resource
href BASE %URI; #IMPLIED URI that acts as base URI
hreflang A, LINK %LanguageCode; #IMPLIED language code
hspace APPLET, IMG, OBJECT %Pixels; #IMPLIED D L horizontal gutter
http-equiv META NAME #IMPLIED HTTP response header name
id All elements but BASE, HEAD, HTML, META, SCRIPT, STYLE, TITLE ID #IMPLIED document-wide unique id
ismap IMG, INPUT (ismap) #IMPLIED use server-side image map
label OPTION %Text; #IMPLIED for use in hierarchical menus
label OPTGROUP %Text; #REQUIRED for use in hierarchical menus
lang All elements but APPLET, BASE, BASEFONT, BR, FRAME, FRAMESET, IFRAME, PARAM, SCRIPT %LanguageCode; #IMPLIED language code
language SCRIPT CDATA #IMPLIED D L predefined script language name
link BODY %Color; #IMPLIED D L color of links
longdesc IMG %URI; #IMPLIED link to long description (complements alt)
longdesc FRAME, IFRAME %URI; #IMPLIED F link to long description (complements title)
marginheight FRAME, IFRAME %Pixels; #IMPLIED F margin height in pixels
marginwidth FRAME, IFRAME %Pixels; #IMPLIED F margin widths in pixels
maxlength INPUT NUMBER #IMPLIED max chars for text fields
media STYLE %MediaDesc; #IMPLIED designed for use with these media
media LINK %MediaDesc; #IMPLIED for rendering on these media
method FORM (GET | POST) GET HTTP method used to submit the form
multiple SELECT (multiple) #IMPLIED default is single selection
name APPLET CDATA #IMPLIED D L allows applets to find each other
name SELECT CDATA #IMPLIED field name
name FORM CDATA #IMPLIED name of form for scripting
name FRAME, IFRAME CDATA #IMPLIED F name of frame for targetting
name IMG CDATA #IMPLIED name of image for scripting
name A CDATA #IMPLIED named link end
name INPUT, OBJECT CDATA #IMPLIED submit as part of form
name MAP CDATA #REQUIRED for reference by usemap
name PARAM CDATA #REQUIRED property name
name META NAME #IMPLIED metainformation name
nohref AREA (nohref) #IMPLIED this region has no action
noresize FRAME (noresize) #IMPLIED F allow users to resize frames?
noshade HR
nowrap TD, TH
object APPLET
prompt ISINDEX
size HR
size FONT
start OL
text BODY
type LI
type OL
type UL
value LI
version HTML
vlink BODY
width HR
width TD, TH
width APPLET
width PRE